
Elgin Lodge residents enjoy a Spring Spa Day: sponsored

Main 560Molly Smith (right) receives a manicure from Mary Cahill.

After a dreary winter and wet spring, residents at Elgin Lodge were treated to some pampering and bliss during the Spring Spa Day May 12. Lodge residents were invited to relax and unwind with friends as they received facials by Melissa Alison, a reflexology treatment by Brandy Palinsky, a foot soak and manicures by Mary Cahill.

“It’s important to us at Elgin Lodge to show our residents just how special they are to us and how much we enjoy having them here with us. Our Spring Spa Day event allowed us the opportunity to celebrate many of the women in our facility, and give them the gift of pampering and relaxation,” said Elgin Lodge Director of Marketing Caitlin Stone.

Following the spa treatment, the relaxed ladies continued their spa atmosphere by gathering together for a few social bevvies in the common room.

Betty 560Betty Duddle receives a relaxing foot soak.

Melissa 560Melissa Alison gives a therapeutic facial.

Cathy 560Elgin Lodge volunteer Cathy Jacques showed off her glistening nails.

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