
Grey Bruce hospitals supporting provincial system to respond to capacity challenges

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Based on forecast models, the provincial hospital system will be facing significant capacity challenges over the coming weeks due to an increasing prevalence...


Three new doctors for Saugeen Shores

Stethoscope 560During the final Council meeting of 2020, three new doctor agreements were approved by Saugeen Shores Council...


COVID-19 associated with Saugeen Shores school

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The Grey Bruce Health Unit is working with Bluewater District School Board to address two probable cases of COVID-19 associated with École Port Elgin Saugeen Central School...


All things Light the Way at Monday's council meeting

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Brian Longmire of 98 the Beach joined Saugeen Shores Council on Monday, November 23 to deliver a delegation on behalf of the Saugeen Memorial Hospital Foundation...


Grey Bruce moves from Green to Yellow Stage in pandemic measures

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On Friday, November 20, the provincial government announced that Grey-Bruce would be moving from the Green Stage to the Yellow Stage of their pandemic framework...
