
Body Break duo amplifies Bruce Power's #BreakTheSilence campaign

threehashtag 560Body Break’s Joanne McLeod, Bruce Power’s Executive Vice-President of Human Resources Cathy Sprague and Body Break’s Hal Johnson, tweeting #BreakTheSilence at the campaign’s launch event May 3. Every time someone tweets #BreakTheSilence, Bruce Power will donate $1 to local mental health initiatives.

Hub Staff

For the second year in a row, Bruce Power wants to end the stigma surrounding mental health and #BreakTheSilence during Mental Health Awareness Week, May 1 to 5. The campaign, which is into its third day, will see Bruce Power donate $1 from every time the hashtag is used on Twitter or the Break the Silence post is shared on Bruce Power’s Facebook page.

The social media campaign which launched in 2016 during Mental Health Awareness Week saw approximately 15,000 social media shares, which Bruce Power’s Vice President of Corporate Affairs James Scongack believes will reach a higher number during the duration of the 2017 campaign.

”Last year on the first day of the launch we were trending as one of the top social media feeds going on in Ontario. Just goes to show you.... we’re a rural community, but when we come together and we launch an initiative like this, we can make a tremendous difference,” said Scongack.

During the campaign kickoff event May 3, special guests Hal Johnson and Joanne McLeod of Body Break and Amazing Race fame spoke about the importance of mental health. Johnson told a story of his 23-year old nephew Daniel who suffered from mental health issues, which ultimately took his life. “We realized in our family that mental health is extremely important. Unfortunately it took a tragedy for us to realize that,” said Johnson.

He added that for 29 years the duo have been promoting fitness and health but admitted they didn't really think in terms of mental health and how that’s important too. “The correlation between mental health and physical health is quite strong. And so our goal now is to keep that message out there and keep it alive for everyone,” said Johnson.

The second half of the health duo, Joanne McLeod, said that #BreakTheSilence brings the conversation about mental health to the forefront, as well as offers solutions and promotes mental health resources in community. “It’s okay, if you're having a problem to search out for a solution; and that there are resources that people can go to, and feel safe to do that.”

Bruce Power CEO and President Mike Recheck said that, “wellness and mental health go hand and hand,” and spoke about a senior executive he worked with named “Tom” who suffered from chronic depression issues and sought help and necessary support from family and co-workers. “This is not something that we should be ashamed about, it’s a part of life, it’s part of how we grow together, work together and stay together as a community, and organization,” said Rencheck.

Executive Vice-President of Human Resources, Cathy Sprague, said that mental health is talked about more and more at Bruce Power; and on site on May 3, in addition to the Body Break team sending out a special message, 30 vendors were on site for employees to visit, all of whom support mental health in the community.

Sprague then spoke about the Employee Family Assistance program EFAP that staff and their families can access should they be in need of mental health assistance.

bb 560Body Break’s Hal Johnson and Joanne Mcleod spoke about wellness and the importance of mental health to Bruce Power employees, and stressed that everyone should #BreakTheSilence.

hashtag 560From left, Bruce Power CEO and President Mike Rencheck, Body Break’s Joanne Mcleod, Bruce Power Executive Vice-President of Human Resources Cathy Sprague, and Body Break’s Hal Johnson tweeting and sharing #BreakTheSilence to help end the stigma surrounding mental health during Mental Health Awareness Week, May 1 to 5.

mike 560Bruce Power CEO and President Mike Rencheck spoke about a co-worker who suffered from mental health issues and sought help, during the #BreakTheSilence launch event May 3.
