
Society of Energy Professionals newest Platinum sponsor for Gran Fondo

society energy professionals gran fondoSociety of Energy Professionals spokesperson Eric Tiisler (left) with Saugeen Memorial Hospital Foundation’s Secretary-Treasurer Joan Vaughan and Board Chair Jim Barbour, March 6. The Society of Energy Professionals donated $10,000 towards the upcoming Gran Fondo fundraiser.

Hub Staff

The Society of Energy Professionals is the newest Platinum Sponsor for the upcoming Gran Fondo event this summer. The union that donated $10,000 to the Saugeen Memorial Hospital Foundation fundraiser is now joining Re/Max Land Exchange Ltd. and Bruce Power in their Platinum level sponsorship, become a route sponsor for the 110km Pretty in Paisley route.

Eric Tiisler from the Society of Energy Professionals said the Saugeen Memorial Hospital is a cornerstone for the community. “Our hospital is a very important component of our community,” he said, adding, “part of our Foundation is to ensure locally that we support initiatives that span a number of activities and this one resonated with us because it involves sport, it involves a bit of a competition; but also there was an aspect of funding the hospital as well.”
