Support for the Train and Station evident
Support for Andy and Debbie Hess, owners of Train and Station at the Port Elgin Main Beach, was apparent at the June 25 Committee of Whole...
Support for Andy and Debbie Hess, owners of Train and Station at the Port Elgin Main Beach, was apparent at the June 25 Committee of Whole...
Following over a month of hard work the Saugeen District Secondary School (SDSS) Construction class gathered under the shelter of the new...
A vegetable and memorial garden were just some of the touches that the Saugeen District Secondary School Greenhouse class...
Community members and representatives from a variety of heritage committees came to the Port Elgin Cemetery June 15 to witness the unveiling...
During the Saugeen Memorial Hospital Foundation’s (SMHF) Annual General Meeting June 20, Executive Director Sally Kidson announced...
“Today our gathering is much more than putting up a couple of road signs, it’s much more than simply attaching a name to a bridge...
Three-year old Lachlan Brown of Port Elgin sold some sweet delicious lemonade outside of his home June 16...
On Tuesday, June 19, the Rotary Club of Port Elgin donated $750 to the Salvation Army Food Bank in Saugeen Shores...
Over the last week residents have been abiding by a temporary watering ban, and Town and OCWA staff have appreciated their efforts...
A Request for Proposals (RFP) for new and rehabilitation to existing pathways from North Shore Park to Izzard Street was tentatively approved...
As another school year comes to a close many Saugeen District Secondary School students received...