CFUW Southport gearing up for another year
The Canadian Federation of University Women Southport are gearing up for another year of taking action, holding inspiring events and addressing women’s....
The Canadian Federation of University Women Southport are gearing up for another year of taking action, holding inspiring events and addressing women’s....
Zoning By-law Amendment Z-28- 16.46 was passed in a 7 to 2 vote during the September 12 Saugeen Shores Council meeting that would see the property...
A splash pad update was presented to Council during the Committee of Whole meeting, September 12, that corrected some misinformation...
Megan Dunn, Saugeen Shores Hub
The walk was worth it, at the inaugural WALK-IT for Parkinson’s event which raised $16,977 (and counting), for the Parkinson Society Southwestern Ontario...
Megan Dunn, Saugeen Shores Hub
A whopping $110,000 was raised over the weekend at the fourth annual Swing, Shoot, and Liv Golf Tournament, September 10, at Saugeen Golf Club....
Canadian Federation of University Women Southport are holding their Welcome Back Wine & Cheese event on Wednesday, September 14 at 7 p.m....
The new downtown location for Port Elgin’s Pumpkinfest, happening October 1 and 2, has inspired new events and activities from community members...
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas, or at least it will after seven homes are decorated for the annual Cham-Bettes Christmas Home Tour, November 11 and 12...
The latest season of the Port Elgin Farmers’ Market at Coulter Parkette came to a close September 7 after its fifth and most successful season to date...
The time has come for long-standing Port Elgin restaurant Burger Trail to close its doors after 42 years of serving some of the tastiest food in town...
If you live in Saugeen Shores, chances are you are familiar with Olivia Little and the Liv-A-Little Foundation. The community has pulled together...