Bruce Power stronger since Fukushima
Friday March 11, 2016 marks the fifth anniversary of the unprecedented earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan...
Friday March 11, 2016 marks the fifth anniversary of the unprecedented earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan...
Hub Staff
Port Elgin’s Karen Ann Bridge was named this year’s Woman of Distinction at the International Women’s Day event...
The Leisure Fair, your one stop shop for municipal programs as well as Spring and Summer programs, lessons, sports clubs and organizations...
Hub Staff
Council recently passed a policy that would allow for the encroachment of patios and cafés...
To identify if the UNIFOR Industrial Wind Turbine has been operating in compliance with the Noise Guideline for Wind Turbines or the Amended Certificate of Approval...
Saugeen Shores Council has deferred its decision to support the deep geologic repository (DGR)...
Since announcing my retirement a few short weeks ago, Lesley and I have been overwhelmed by the show of emotion...
On February 1 Duncan Hawthorne signaled his plans to retire as the President and CEO of Bruce Power...
It started with a three-year-old Syrian boy, Alan Kurdi. When images of the young refugee’s lifeless body surfaced after he was washed up on the shores of Turkey...
Effective Monday, February 29 at 3 p.m. the Saugeen Memorial Hospital Auxiliary Gift Shop, located at Saugeen Memorial Hospital...
Students in Saugeen Shores were tickled pink February 24 to commemorate Pink Shirt Day, where citizens are encouraged to wear the colour to advocate against bullying....