
$8,000 and counting for the Stewart family fundraiser

First respondersCo-workers of Andy Stewart volunteered their time April 16 to help with the barbecue and sell tickets to the Pig Roast fundraiser at Maple Hall, April 23.

Hub Staff

The Saugeen Shores community came together on a beautiful Saturday to donate their time, and spare change, to the Stewart family who lost their home to a devastating fire, March 11.

A barbecue hosted by Mowbray’s Canadian Tire, with burgers provided by Harvey’s and condiments by Rowland’s Independent Grocer, drew crowds throughout the day, raising, at the time of publishing, over $8,100 for the Stewart family.

Police and Paramedics volunteered their time to man the silent auction booth, help sell tasty treats at the bake sale, and sell tickets to another Stewart family fundraiser, a Pig and Turkey Roast, to take place April 23, at Maple Hall. Tickets for the licensed event can be purchased at the door or at the Saugeen Shores Police station.

Fire victim, Kristin Stewart, who works at Mowbray’s Canadian Tire was on hand, helping to serve the burgers. Stewart said she was thankful for everything the community has done for them. From the YMCA donating a two-week stay at the Super 8 Motel in Port Elgin to Morry’s Trailer Services from Hanover for providing them with a trailer for the family to live in.

“The community has gone completely out of their way to help us,” Stewart said April 16. “We’re pretty lucky to live in a community that cares so much. It’s pretty exciting to see the amount of people that are out here right now, helping us and supporting us with everything.”

Stewart added that since everything burned in the fire, the family could use cutlery, bedding and clothes.

The family’s GoFund Me page is still active with $14,695 raised so far. The TD Bank in Port Elgin also set up an account for donations to the Stewart family.

BBQ Stewart2Zach Mowbray (left), Harvey’s Swiss Chalet owner, Marcel Legault, and Kristin Stewart served-up mouthwatering burgers during the Stewart family fundraiser, April 16.

MoneyMoney was raised for the Stewart family through a silent auction, a bake sale, as well as through donations. At the time of publishing, over $8,000 had been raised.

DSCF3414The Saugeen Shores community came together in support of the Stewart family, who lost their home to fire March 11.

DSCF3416A fundraiser barbecue was held at Mowbray’s Canadian Tire Saturday afternoon, in support of the Stewart family.
