
The grass is always greener at St. Joe's

Group winners 560Grade 8 award recipients showed off their hardware at St. Joseph’s Church, June 27.

Hub Staff

The grade 8 graduates from St. Joseph’s Catholic School had a beautiful ceremony at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, June 27, which followed with a dance.

Chosen Valedictorians Anna Rinn and Rebekah Cassidy gave a joint, almost 10 minute speech that was both comedic and heartwarming.

In their speech they thanked all staff and teachers calling them their “part-time parents” and even gave a special shout-out to some who truly touched their lives as students, such as Mrs Lamont who taught them when they were barely three feet tall; to the humour of Mrs Moorehead in grade 1; Mme Wright who wasn't to be messed with but had a big heart, to wholeheartedly thanking Mr “B” Broughton for being awesome and for his contribution in getting students ready for high school. Next was Mrs Andrusiak and Mrs Hewit who they only had for a short time but had been impacted by both. The two also thanked Mme Kelly for teaching them french over the years and for the fact that they can now have conversations in a different language. Cassidy had a heartwarming shoutout to Mme Curtis who loved cat videos and left the school too soon, but left an impact on Cassidy. “We learned and loved her more than she could ever know,” said Cassidy. And a final thanks to Mr. Kennedy for his welcoming nature.

Rinn and Cassidy shared their stories about their ups and downs at the school from playing in the sandbox to making new friends but insisted that “the grass is always greener” at St. Joe’s.

Principal Keith Walsh shared a quote from the ever-wise Winnie the Pooh and gave the graduating six rules to live by when they make their way to secondary school.

1. Keep your faith strong
2. Be true to yourself - stay close to your parents
3. Choose friends wisely
4. Work hard
5. Strong attitude - be in charge of what you want in life
6. Get involved in the school community, built strong relationships

Students who won awards were:

Service Above Self Award: Brianna Kosikar
Athlete of the Year: Austin Hagen and Rebekah Cassidy
Inspiring Possibilities Award: Anne LeBouthillier
Citizenship Award: Hayden McColluch
Math Award: Josh Muzzell
Optimist Award: Samantha Babb
Most Proficient Award: Anna Rinn
Christian Living: Fiona Jagelewski
Science and Technology: Austin Hagen
Most Improved: Patyn Light
Rena Kelly Award: Lydia Pittas
Catholic Graduate Award: Anna Rinn
Principals Award: Anthony Sarauz
Language Arts: Anne Rinn and Chante Muzzle
French Immersion: Rebekah Cassidy
Core French: Eamon Cowley
Math: Rebekah Cassidy
Science: Anthony Sarauz
History: Julian Caron
Geography: James Clazie
Health and Physical Education: Fiona Jagelewski
Music Award: Josie Molinaro
Visual Arts: Brody Roote
Dance: Samantha Babb
Drama: Joey Paulin
Computers & Technology: Austin Hagen
Attendance: Alexis Perkins

Principal award 560Principal Keith Walsh award Anthony Sarauz with the Principal’s Award at the St. Joseph's graduation ceremony, June 27.

Vals 560Mme Clark (centre) awarded Rebekah Cassidy (left) and Anna Rinn (right) with the Valedictorian award, during the St. Joseph's graduation ceremony, June 27.

Joey 560Graduate Joey Paulin won the school’s Drama Award, at the St. Joseph’s graduation ceremony, June 27.

Boys 560Ready for the dance which followed the graduation ceremony, from left, Josh Muzzle (Math Science Award), Hayden McColluch (Citizenship Award), Brody Roote (Visual Arts Award) and Eamon Cowley (Core French Award).
