
Saugeen Shores businesses help to fill $250,000 need

Warks 560Scott Wark (left) and Tanya Wolfe, owners of Wark Milk Transport Ltd., Wark Service Centre and Grey Bruce Airbus.

Hub Staff

A recent donation from three Saugeen Shores businesses, Wark Milk Transport Ltd., Wark Service Centre and Grey Bruce Airbus, filled what remained of 92.3 The Dock's Radio for Radiology $250,000 goal for a new CT scanner at Grey Bruce Health Services, Owen Sound.

“They needed [$21,000] more to fill this campaign so Tanya and I talked about it and said, 'Hey, it's a good thing for the community, the whole area',” said Scott Wark, President and General Manager of the three businesses.

Wark, along with his sister, Tanya Wolfe are the third generation running the milk transport business. “It was started by my grandfather. Next year will be 60 years,” said Wark, adding that they added Grey Bruce Airbus to the mix two years ago.

The CT scanner seemed a good fit for the transport family. Scott’s father, Bev Wark, started Saugeen Shores Golf for Cancer. “After [my dad] passed away, my sister and I kept it going,” said Wark, adding that at the time of his father's passing, the tournament became the Bev Wark Memorial Golf for Cancer.

Wark said that after the 15th year for the tournament, he and his sister “decided we would stop and kind of put our money into other things,” adding that he heard about the Radio for Radiology campaign on his way to work one day.

“So $21,000 is what they needed to fill the campaign and we wrote them a cheque for it,” said Wark, adding, “the CT scanner is amazing... it's unbelievable what this machine can do.”
