
A rise in youth graffiti in Saugeen Shores: Police

SSPolice layered 560Saugeen Shores Police are reporting a rise in incidents of youth spray-painting graffiti in Saugeen Shores, with not just one group responsible. So far those responsible have been identified and remedial measures have been put in place.

On January 28, police responded to a report of graffiti on a building in the Barnes Street area. Grey, silver, purple and white spray paint was used to spray various vulgar words including the letters “KKK” which is considered a hate crime. Three youth aged 14, 15 and 16 years were found to be responsible and have agreed on a diversion program as opposed to being charged and going to court.

On January 23 police responded to graffiti on the Port Elgin water tower. Police are investigating.

Police are asking parents to have a chat with their kids about the harm this type of activity causes both in the damage to property and the message it sends.

There were a total of 119 incidents between January 23 and January 29, 2017.

January 29

Police conducted RIDE in Port Elgin. One driver was required to provide a breath sample and passed, another received a Highway Traffic Act warning.

January 28

Police conducted RIDE in Saugeen Township, Southampton and Port Elgin, no liquor violations, five Highway Traffic Act warnings were given.

January 27

Police responded to a motor vehicle collision where a vehicle backed from a private drive and collided with a vehicle on Highway 21. Minor damage, no injuries.

January 24

Police responded to a motor vehicle collision on Cutter Road. A driver reversed out of a private drive and struck another vehicle travelling on the road. No injuries.

At 4:52 p.m. police conducted RIDE in Saugeen Township, no violations.

At 5:25 p.m. police conducted RIDE in Southampton, no liquor violations and three Highway Traffic Act warnings were given.

January 23

Police arrested a 17 year old Saugeen Shores youth on a bail violation. He was held in custody.

Police responded to the All Seasons Motel on Goderich Street to a report of a theft of a flat screen television. Police are investigating.

Police conducted RIDE in Port Elgin, no liquor violations, one Highway Traffic Act warning.
