
Crusaders get a hand from the Cham-bettes Home Tour

cobeandonation 560Members of the Chantry Island Cham-bettes Christmas Home Tour committee donated $3,200 from proceeds to Tara Boom Houston Children’s Foundation - Caitlyn Cobean Community Crusaders (CCCC) February 8 at the Highview Food & Drink in Southampton. Accepting the donation, in purple, were Rona Cobean, Kerri Hardman and Sheri Perdue of CCCC.

Hub Staff

The 2016 Chantry Island Cham-bettes Christmas Home Tour exceeded expectations and past numbers, amounting to $18,000 in proceeds that will be given back to the community.

Members of the Home Tour committee donated a sixth of the proceeds to members of Caitlyn Cobean’s Community Crusaders, who also decorated a home on the tour. The Crusaders have teamed up with the Tara Boom Houston Children’s Foundation to provide assistance to families in Grey and Bruce to alleviate financial burdens that can arise from tending to a child in hospital.

The Cham-bettes will also donate a large sum of the profits from the tour to the Saugeen Memorial Hospital Foundation, which also had a home on the Christmas Home Tour. During the group’s March meeting they will discuss other community causes to which to donate. Tour organizer and Cham-bette Martha Bennett said that planning for the 2017 tour is already underway with six to seven home owners “volunteering” their house to be part of the fundraising event. Bennett noted that she received positive feedback for having six homes on the 2016 tour rather than seven or eight, as it allowed attendees to take their time in each home, and to not need to rush through the homes.

Both the Cham-bettes and members of CCCC said that planning is underway for more fundraising events in 2017 with Rona Cobean not ruling out another Lip Sync Battle.

See: Record breaking tickets sales for Christmas Home Tour
