
Giant commemorative flag in honour of Canada’s 150th

Kin Club Cheque Presentation 560Saugeen Shores Kin Club President Christine Cooper presents a cheque to Saugeen Shores Celebrates Canada’s 150th President Don Matheson for the giant commemorative flag project. Photo submitted

The Saugeen Shores Celebrates Canada’s 150th Committee is excited to announce that through its partnership with the Saugeen Shores Kin Club, history is soon to be made in Saugeen Shores.

From a March 29 media release, thanks to a Saugeen Shores Kin Club donation, the Committee will be able to purchase a special giant commemorative Canadian flag which features a white signature border. This border allows members of the public to sign the flag without disrespecting or damaging the Canadian it. The commemorative flag will be flown on both July 1 and 2 after being paraded through Saugeen Shores and raised on July 1 as part of the Canada Day ceremonies.

“The Saugeen Shores Kin Club is proud to partner with the Saugeen Shores Celebrates Canada’s 150th Committee for this grand event,” said Christine Cooper, President of Saugeen Shores Kin Club. “The flag’s white borders, before being sewn onto the giant 25 by 50 foot flag will be brought, by Saugeen Shores Kin Club representatives, to all of the local Saugeen Shores schools and seniors centres, and to other signature community events for the public to add their names and be part of our local history.”

Don Matheson, President of the Saugeen Shores Celebrates Canada’s 150th Committee said, “I’m excited to be part of the amazing community events that are planned for Saugeen Shores Celebrates this summer. It is amazing to see how the community is coming together to create special projects like this.”
