
Saugeen Shores students a force at regional Heritage Fair

Main 560Several students from G.C. Huston Public School and École Port Elgin Saugeen Central School presented their Heritage projects to adjudicators at the Grey Roots Regional Heritage Fair in Owen Sound April 20.

Hub Staff

Fifty-eight elementary students from seven schools around Grey and Bruce counties visited Grey Roots Museum in Owen Sound, where they presented their Canadian Heritage projects to adjudicators at the Grey Roots Regional Heritage Fair April 20.

G.C. Huston Public School and École Port Elgin Saugeen Central School (ÉPESCS) saw 17 of their students win Heritage awards for their projects that focused on a variety of subjects including Winnie the Pooh, the Avro Arrow, Residential Schools, and Canadian Immigration.

Two projects from ÉPESCS, Maddie Mensher’s “The Miracle Drug” and Aurora Jacobi’s “War Brides”, along with Patrick Perrier’s “Vimy Ridge: Our Finest Hour, of Chesley District Community School, were chosen to represent the region at the provincials in Toronto in June.

Heritage Interpreter for Grey Roots Museum Katie Clarke said there were some “pretty interesting” and “unique” projects involved in the Regional Heritage Fair. Adjudicators for the event were volunteers from a variety of backgrounds, who spoke to the students about their projects and tied them to awards that fit the subject matter.

“The main thing that they're looking at is why is the delegate’s subject important to Canadian history. The subject may be interesting to that student but if it doesn't link back to that big picture then they have to figure out a way to make the story work,” said Clarke.

“These students, they take it to a new level... they get into costume, they bring props with them, there’s a student who has maple syrup with her that she's giving to the adjudicators.” She added, “They all try so hard to make it enjoyable and fun.”

2017 Heritage Award winners:

Archives of Ontario Award – Spencer Mackay, 1980’s Farm Crisis, Grade 8, Georgian Bay Community School

Canada's National History Society Award – Madi McNeill, Home Children, Grade 8, École Port Elgin Saugeen Central School

Canada's National History Society Award of Merit – Jack VanGeel, Chris Hadfield, Grade 6, École Port Elgin Saugeen Central School

Multicultural History Society of Ontario Award – Maisie Cottrill, Mysterious Ruins Cape Breton Island, Grade 6, Sullivan Community School

OHS Reading and Remembrance Project Award – Zoe Shaves, Winnie the Pooh, Grade 8, G.C. Huston Public School

OHFA's Founders Award – Aditya Pandya, The Avro Arrow, Grade 6, École Port Elgin Saugeen Central School; Mackenzie Boudreau, 4H, St. Peter’s and St. Paul’s

Ontario Genealogical Society Award – Ally Pendleton, George’s Journey, Grade 7, Georgian Bay Community School

Ontario Historical Society Award – Julia Tichbourne, A Necessity Among Us: Owen Sound General Marine Hospital, Grade 8 Georgian Bay Community School

Ontario Human Rights Award – Sonny Pilon, Residential Schools, Grade 8, G.C. Huston Public School

Ontario Library Association Award – Dana Tulloch, Scarecrow Invasion, Grade 7, Georgian Bay Community School

Ontario Women's History Network Award – Taylor Legge, Far from the Front: Women’s Impact on WWI, Grade 8, Chesley District Community School

OHFA First Nation, Métis, Aboriginal Award – Mackenzie Roote, Pow Wow Dancing, Grade 7, G.C. Huston Public School

OHFA Historical Thinking Award – Emma Moore, Women’s Suffrage, Grade 8, École Port Elgin Saugeen Central School

Young Citizens Award – Megan Acres, Stolen Children; Residential Schools, Grade 8, Georgian Bay Community School

History of Sport Award presented by the Owen Sound Attack – Ethan Walsh, 1972 Summit Series, Grade 8, École Port Elgin Saugeen Central School

Bishop House: Museum, Archives and National Historic Site Award – Mackenzie Dorgelo, Shoulder to Shoulder-Women in the Labour Force; Women if WWII, Grade 8, Georgian Bay Community School

Bruce County Genealogical Society Award – Kylier Morgan, Hockey, St. Peter’s and St. Paul’s

Bruce County Historical Society Award – Owen Elliott, Wiarton Willie, Grade 8, École Port Elgin Saugeen Central School

Bruce Grey One World Festival Heritage Diversity – Khushi Shah, 100 Years of Immigration to Canada, Grade 8, École Port Elgin Saugeen Central School

Community Waterfront Heritage Centre Award – Ashley Hilbers, From Beaver Pelts to Canadian Superstore, Grade 7, École Port Elgin Saugeen Central School

Saugeen Shores Heritage Award – Sarah Poole, Lights Along the Way, Grade 6, G.C. Huston Public School; Francesca Alpajaro, The Bruce Power Point, Grade 8, École Port Elgin Saugeen Central School

Grey County Archives Award – Gavin Bouwman, Ebenezer School House, Grade 8, Georgian Bay Community School

Grey County Historical Society Award – Ashlyn Kuhl, How Farmers’ Markets Bring Communities Together, Grade 6, Sullivan Community School

Ontario Power Generation Spark Award – Alexa Todd, The Stanley Cup, Grade 4, Keppel Sarawak Elementary School

The Les MacKinnon Memorial Award by the Owen Sound Emancipation Festival – Tessa Moerman, The Underground Railroad, Grade 4 Keppel Sarawak Elementary School

Rainer Engelhardt & Camille Mageau Linguistic Heritage Award – Lily VanGeel, Immigration to Canada After WWII, École Port Elgin Saugeen Central School

Tom Thomson Art Gallery Award – Julia Bates, The CN Tower: A Master Build, Grade 7, École Port Elgin Saugeen Central School

Grey County Warden's Award - Brayden Book, Agnes Macphail, Grade 8, Georgian Bay Community School

Grey Roots History Lives Here! Awards:

Provincial Runner-up – Madison Saunders, The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair, Grade 8, Georgian Bay Community School

Provincial Delegate - Maddie Mensher, The Miracle Drug, Grade 8, École Port Elgin Saugeen Central School

Provincial Delegate - Patrick Ferrier, Vimy Ridge: Our Finest Hour, Grade 7, Chesley District Community School

Provincial Delegate – Aurora Jacobi, A War Bride Story, Grade 7, École Port Elgin Saugeen Central School

maddie 560École Port Elgin Saugeen Central School student Maddie Mensher was named a Provincial Delegate for her Heritage Project on Dr. Fredrick Banting and the discovery of insulin.

poole 560Huston Hawk Sarah Poole, Grade 6, was awarded a “Saugeen Shores Heritage Award” with her Lights Along the Way project.

alapjaro 560Francesca Alpajaro, a Grade 8 student at École Port Elgin Saugeen Central School received a “Saugeen Shores Heritage Award” with her Bruce Power Point project.

calgary 560Former Calgarian Kaleigh Stewart with her Calgary Stampede Heritage project at Grey Roots Museum April 20.
