
Kin Club gives to Rotary's accessible splash pad

DSCF0820 560President of the Saugeen Shores Kin Club Christine Cooper presented Southampton Rotarians John Van Bastelaar (left) and Tony Sheard with a donation of $1,000 toward the Southampton Roatary Accessible Splash Pad during the Health and Wellness Fair June 3.

Hub Staff

The Saugeen Shores Kin Club donated $1,000 to the Southampton Rotary Accessible Splash Pad during the Heath and Wellness Fair June 3.

Kin Club President Christine Cooper said that the funds were raised from the group’s ‘Cheers for a Year’ project, a lottery for $1,300 in LCBO gift cards. “The lucky winner was very, very excited and I hope he’s still enjoying his prize right now,” joked Cooper. She went on to say that they chose to donate to the Splash Pad because it was a good way to work with the Southampton Rotary Club, to accomplish a goal for the community.

Rotarian Tony Sheard, along with Rotarian and Huron Shore Run Co-Chair John Van Bastelaar, happily accepted the cheque from the Kin Club, with Sheard admitting that fundraising for the project is going really well.

“We should be able to pay off the loan that we have from the Town this year, so we’re awesome and we’ve been able to add one to two extra features to the pad so we’re really excited.” Sheard said that an extra feature includes sun shades.

Kin Club members were a busy bunch at the Health and Wellness Fair, as they were also collecting signatures for their giant commemorative flag. “So the flag has been to all the elementary schools, the high school, senior’s homes, so it’s already filled up,” said Cooper.

The flag will also be available July 1 prior to the flag parade. “So anyone that missed signing it will get a chance on Canada Day, here at the Coliseum,” she said.

DSCF0846 560Pat Sanagan signs her name to the Kin Club’s giant Canadian Flag at the Health and Wellness Fair June 3.
