
Trail head replica train station gets a facelift thanks to SDSS construction students

Group560SDSS technology teacher, Howard Barker and his period 4 technology class stand with educational assistants and members of the Saugeen Rail Trail Association as well as the Port Elgin Rotary Club members June 8 next to the replica train station on River Street. An area where a sign was removed clearly shows how much the paint has faded over the years.

Hub Staff

Since its construction in 2011 by Saugeen District Secondary School (SDSS) teacher Bud Halpin and his Technical Construction students, the replica, historical Port Elgin Train Station at the Port Elgin Rotary Club Accessible Trail Head on River Street has been a popular attraction and rest point for people using the the Saugeen Rail Trail.

With the paint on the structure fading due to sunlight and weather, SDSS students once again stepped up and took on the community project. Armed with paint, brushes and rollers, SDSS technology teacher Howard Barker and his period 4 technology class have been busy restoring the colour to the building.

Barker said that this project, along with other construction projects that the class has undertaken, has allowed the students the opportunity to learn real world skills and gain knowledge in areas that they otherwise may not have the chance to experience. “They've never painted before, they've never had the opportunity to use any tools before so throughout the year we've done all kinds of construction projects,” explained Barker.

He said that being able to go into the community to work on a project such as this also instills in the students a sense of pride and community involvement and gave praise to educational assistants Amanda Cook, Rob Gingras, Donna Juneau, Tina Roote, Randy Besito and Erin Griffin. “This project wouldn't be possible without the help and support of the educational assistants,” he said. “Their work with these students is outstanding.”

In addition to the repainting of the River Street trail head and other community projects, Barker said the class has completed a new floor in a school portable, made shelves in the shop as well as wooden games and folding camp chairs. “We've been very busy,” he said.

Painting560Students were busy painting the outside of the the replica Port Elgin Train Station at the Rail Trail Head June 8.
