
Northport bids farewell to their principal of eight years

sign 560The last day of school marked the end of an era and the last day on the job for Northport Principal Bill Colley. Students and teachers prepared a special retirement assembly June 28 for the departing principal of eight years.

Hub Staff

A celebration and farewell for retiring Principal Bill Colley took place on the last day of school, June 28, at Northport Elementary, the same school in which Mr. Colley graced the halls for eight years as Principal.

The entire school plus a few returning students surrounded Mr. Colley as he sat with his family in a La-Z-Boy chair watching the many tributes that were made by Northport Cougars, which included the Northport Band, a special rendition of Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believing” sung by the Glee Club and a final challenge where the outgoing Principal won the final Colley Cup.

Colley has been an educator for 30 years and throughout his time as a Cougar created many alias and costumed characters that were showcased in a slide show that included throwback photos and memories made over his time at Northport.

band 560Surrounded by friends and family, retiring Northport Principal Bill Colley was entertained by the Northport Band with a final tribute and was even allowed to play with the students on the tamborine.

hula 560The final Colley Cup was played by Mr. Colley, Mr. MacDonald and graduating students Sam and Ryan, as the student body cheered them on.

marshmallow 560What looked like years of pong experience made the team of Colley and MacDonald take the win over the students, as Colley placed more marshmallows into the solo cup, making him the final Colley Cup winner.

cup 560Northport staff members Jason MacDonald (left) and retiring Principal Bill Colley with the Colley Cup June 28 at Mr. Colley’s retirement assembly.

applauding 560Retiring Principal Bill Colley applauding the Glee Club’s performance, a new rendition of Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believing.”

card from the school 560Emily and Evrim of the Glee Club presented Mr. Colley with a card signed by the entire school.
