
Introducing the 2018 Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors

Chamber Directors1 560The 2018 Saugeen Shores Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors. Back row, left to right, Ian Trotman, Ayse Hogan, Terina Wnuk, Bernice Ribey, Jocelyn Robbins, Trish Saunders. Front row, left to right, Erin McLaughlin, Steve Harris, Kate Cammidge-Irwin, Laura Crossett and Pier Donnini. Missing: Pat O'Connor, Steph Carr, Lindsay Darling, Judy Rich.

Hub Staff

The 2018 Saugeen Shores Chamber of Commerce annual elections were held at Highview Food & Drink in Southampton on November 30 with Kate Cammidge-Irwin taking over the role of President.

Outgoing President Pier Donnini thanked Eugene and Noelle Barone, owners of the Highview, for hosting the event and congratulated Cammidge-Irwin on becoming the new president.

He praised Saugeen Shores Chamber of Commerce Manager Joanne Robbins for her dedication, calling her the “heart and soul” of the Chamber. “Personally she has had an extremely challenging year. Professionally she single handedly made sure Pumkinfest happened,” Donnini said. “We all owe her our gratitude of thanks.”

Donnini called the Chamber a community hub, made up of our community. “In communities like ours it's about being part of the fabric and doing so many things, that if the Chamber didn't do it who the heck would do it,” he said. “We need to think about the quality of life in our community and how much it matters to us and imagine the place without fireworks, without Pumpkinfest, without the trolley. A lot of things would disappear if we didn't have an active chamber,” said Donnini.

Incoming President Cammidge-Irwin thanked Donnini for his past two years as president and welcomed the Chamber's first year directors.

“It's really exciting when we get new people involved,” she said. “I'm really looking forward to our new executive here for the next two years and we've got lots of things hopefully planned. Exciting times.”

The 2018 Board of Directors are:

Executive Committee

President: Kate Cammidge-Irwin
1st Vice President: Steve Harris
2nd Vice President: Laura Crossett
Treasurer: Erin McLaughlin
Secretary: Steph Carr
Past President: Pier Donnini
Director at Large: Pat O’Connor

Directors: Lindsay Darling, Bernice Ribey, Judy Rich, Jocelyn Robbins, Trish Saunders

First Year Directors: Ian Trotman, Terina Wnuk, Ayse Hogan
