
Rotary's 'Shop with a Cop' gives to local food bank

Team Groceries 560The four teams stand with the groceries they collected at the annual Shop with a Cop event, held at Rowland's Independent December 6.

Hub Staff

Saugeen Shores Police Service, four elementary schools, two Rotary clubs and a grocery store all banded together December 6 with one mission; to help the Salvation Army Food Bank and local families.

The Rotary Clubs of Southampton and Port Elgin partnered together to continue the annual 'Shop with a Cop' tradition, an event that started six years ago by the South-Port Optimist Club, which disbanded last year.

One team of two Grade 6 students from each of the four Saugeen Shores elementary schools, GC Huston Public School, St Joseph’s School, Northport Elementary School, and École Port Elgin Saugeen Central School (ÉPESCS), teamed up with a local Saugeen Shores police officer and took to the aisles of Rowland's Independent in Port Elgin to shop for the local Food Bank.

Southampton Rotary President, Ed Braun said that the two Rotary clubs had been happy to take over the event. “We're happy to do it and happy to see the Food Bank become the winners,” he said. “I thought it was just too good of a program to let go,” he added.

All in the name of a great cause, the event saw the four teams compete to see who could fill their shopping cart with items closest to $100 without going over.

Salvation Army’s Volunteer and Kettle Coordinator Diane Thorne gave thanks to everyone involved before informing the four teams of which goods were well suited for the Food Bank, with things like peanut butter, instant coffee, hamburger, orange and apple juice making the list. “Anything you can think of we can use it,” she said. “There's many people out there that need help, maybe for just a short time, but some need it for a long time," she added.

After 30 minutes of calculating, recalculating, and shopping, each team returned to the check out to have their goods tallied up.

With all teams doing extremely well it was Northport Cougars Paige Kienapple and James Gattesco, along with teammate Constable Matt Mulholland, who checked through with an impressive $99.93 worth of goods, a mere .07 cents away from the maximum target.

Mulholland said he had been very impressed with the students’ tactics. “They came prepared, that’s for sure.” he said.

Kienapple said she was pleased with her winning team. “I’m pretty proud of me and James and the cop,” she said adding that they knew the types of products that they were going to look for before they started. “Lots of cereal, noodles and canned foods. We knew exactly what we wanted.”

The St Joseph's team, Logan Roote, Daniel Gill-Johnson, Sergeant Kevin Zettel and Saugeen District Secondary School Co-op student Olivia Weber, also came in under budget with $98.16.

G.C. Huston Hawks' Tessa Busch and Bea Smith, along with Constable Ian Clark, landed just over budget, ringing in at $100.42 and the ÉPESCS team, Allie McMeekin, Owen Brown, and Constable Chantel Primeau were also over with $112.86.

All the food collected headed for the Food Bank in Port Elgin with Scott Rowland of Rowland's Independent donating an additional $100 to the Food Bank on behalf of the winning team.

The Rotary clubs also donated $100 to the Northport team to put toward the purchase of books for their school’s library and $50 to the other three schools’ libraries.

Diane Thorne said the event and the donations were incredible. “What a wonderful experience for the children, all here for the same cause, helping others,” she said.

Northport WinnersNorthport Elementary School students James Gattesco and Paige Kienapple, along with Saugeen Shores Police Constable Matt Mulholland, were the winning team of the day, checking out at $99.93.

St Josephs TeamSergeant Kevin Zettel and Saugeen District Secondary School Co-op student Olivia Weber stand with St Joseph’s School students Daniel Gill-Johnson (front left) and Logan Roote as their team stood at the checkout with a total of $98.16 worth of goods.

GC Huston TeamHuston Hawks Bea Smith (Left) and Tessa Busch with Constable Ian Clark as they shopped at Rowland's Independent in Port Elgin December 6.

Saugeen Central TeamConstable Chantel Primeau and École Port Elgin Saugeen Central School students Owen Brown and Allie McMeekin with a cart full of goods destined for the Salvation Army Food Bank.

Northport CheckoutThe Northport team watches closely as their goods are put through the check out.

St Josephs TeamworkLogan Roote starts adding food to the St Joseph's School shopping cart, while Sergeant Kevin Zettel and Saugeen District Secondary School Co-op student Olivia Weber begin to calculate the cost.

GC Huston TeamWorkGC Huston student Tessa Busch loads peanut butter into the shopping cart, while her teammate Bea Smith adds up the cost.

Saugeen Central TeamworkThe École Port Elgin Saugeen Central School (ÉPESCS) team discuss what other goods they need for the Food Bank. From left, Constable Chantel Primeau, and ÉPESCS students Owen Brown and Allie McMeekin.

GroupMembers of Southampton Rotary and Port Elgin Rotary, Saugeen Shores Police, Rowland's Independent and Saugeen Shores elementary schools combined forces to help out the Salvation Army Food Bank and local families.
