
Bruce Power signs Leadership Accord on Gender Diversity

diversity 560Bruce Power has proudly reinforced its commitment to gender diversity and inclusion.

Mike Rencheck, Bruce Power’s President and CEO, recently signed the Canadian Electricity Industry Leadership Accord on Gender Diversity, publicly committing to promote the values of diversity and inclusion within their organizations.

“The accord provides a platform to create a culture of equality and inclusion throughout the workforce and at all levels, while facilitating greater opportunities for women in traditionally male-dominated positions,” said Cathy Sprague, Bruce Power’s Executive Vice President, Human Resources.

“We are proud to sign the accord, as I believe diversity and inclusion helps us drive innovation and productivity for our future. We believe that diversity enhances our processes, introduces new ways of working, strengthens our team dynamics and improves our decision-making processes,” Sprague added. “This accord, combined with Bruce Power’s Diversity Strategy, ensures we have new potential, diverse thinking, increased safety, and better overall performance – we are thrilled to be a part of this united action.”

For more information on the Leadership Accord on Gender Diversity, visit electricityhr.ca/workplace-support/diversity-inclusion/ehrc-leadership-accord.
