
Saugeen Shores Kin Club is making a difference this Spring

kin club liv a little

Saugeen Shores Kin Club’s Christine Mensher (left) and David Mensher (right), present a $2,500 donation to Olivia Little (centre, left) and Harper Little (centre, right) from the Liv-A-Little Foundation.

After a successful egg hunt at the Liv-A-Little Egg-Stravaganza, the Kin Club was able to donate $2,500 to the Liv-A-Little Foundation. This was the Kin Club’s first year partnering with the Foundation and plans are already underway for Egg-Stravaganza 2019.

This April the Kin Club also made another tasty batch of their famous Maple Cotton Candy and were able to raise $500 to help the Saugeen Shores Recreation And Pool Now (SSRAP Now) committee with their orange ribbon campaign.

The season of sunshine and community service will continue with the Kin Club hosting their second annual Walk To Make Cystic Fibrosis History at Nodwell Park in Port Elgin on May 27, and they are gearing up to host the fifth annual Touch A Truck 2019 on August 19 at the Port Elgin Main Beach.

The Kin Club, part of the Kinsmen and Kinette Clubs of Canada, is one of the not-for-profit service organizations serving the Saugeen Shores area and is always welcoming new volunteers and new members. Find them on Facebook or contact them at saugeenshoreskin@gmail.com.

Source: Saugeen Shores Kin Club media release

kin club ssrap now

From left, Saugeen Shores Kin Club’s Janet Crampton, Chuck Sercan, Christine Mensher, and David Mensher (far right), presented a $500 cheque to SSRAP Now committee member Tara Somerville.
