
G.C. Huston explodes with culture and colour

1 Johnson 350Hub Staff

A Pow Wow, Colour Dash and Slip and Slide were all packed into one amazing afternoon at G.C. Huston Public School, June 24 in Southampton....


Once a Hawk, always a Hawk

group 350Hub Staff

The grade 8 class of 2016 was celebrated and recognized with Parisian flare during G.C. Huston’s graduation ceremony June, 23, in the school's gymnasium in Southampton...


Water Walker makes a stop in Port Elgin

DSCF6848 350Hub Staff

Waasekom Niin, 23, of Saugeen First Nation was called to the water and began his ceremonial Nibi Onji Canoe Journey, June 15 in Aazhoodenang, Stoney Point First Nation....
